Saturday, 28 August 2010

Day 13 - 15 - Hole in wall

The builders started to dismantle the rear wall in the kitchen and used acro-props to support the upstairs.

 The concrete foundations for the sliding folding doors leading out from the kitchen onto the garden:

 These are the steels for the frame that is going in the hole in the back of the house, to support the upstairs and provide frame for the sliding folding doors....

Because there is a big hole in the back of the house, the builders every day board up the entrance between the kitchen and the hall.  Although there is nothing in the house but dusty furniture and plasterboards lying about!  The boards mean that we cannot access the kitchen (or rather, what is left of the kitchen i.e. a tap and sink) when we get home, so we are brushing our teeth with a bucket and water from one of the pipes that has already been plumbed in.  Nice! Needless to say, our gym memberships have been paying for themselves.... 

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